About Us

Off-Road Parents

Off-Road Mom

Off-road Mom (ORM) has been off-roading here and there for about as long as she’s known Off-Road Dad, which is about 18 years. ORM always wanted a dirt bike growing up and watched MX races on TV. But, she was a third-generation (at least) city kid and so it never came to fruition until adulthood. Since then, ORM spent a lot of time in the mountains of Tennessee on a side-by-side (before SxSs were cool!) and a dirt bike the last handful of years. ORM is now at the helm of a 4-seater SxS for the family 4×4 off-road adventures. She is the brains behind the technology and digital content.

Off-Road Dad

Off-Road Dad (ORD) has been on two wheels on and off the road for most of his life. Raised in the sticks, he saved up money for his first dirt bike when he was around 12-13 by working in the farm fields detasseling corn and baling hay. His mom often told the story of the first time she looked out the window to see him go “flying through the air.” He spent a lot of years on sport bikes, then back to the dirt on four wheels, and finally back to two wheels as well for about the last 10 years. ORD’s favorite off-road adventuring is on the motocross track. He is the muscles and mechanic behind our adventures.

Off-Road Boys

Off-Road Boy 1

ORB 1 actually doesn’t favor off-roading of any kind. Whether it be human-powered or motorized. He’s always is good once we get going, but he’d rather be doing a multitude of other things. He’s super creative and loves to draw, play and design video games, watch Sci-Fi shows, and dream up entrepreneurial endeavors. (He gets it all honestly, especially the latter, from ORM!) We believe the outdoors and physical activity is good for him, so we make him come along most of the time. We imagine he’ll have a growing part in creating and editing our digital content.

Off-Road Boy 2

ORB 2 is something else. He has the most serious expressions, but is also very animated. ORB 2 is full of confidence and happiest when he’s doing what the “go-nups” and big kids are doing. He can be a force to be reckoned with, but is also the most loving tiny human. ORB 2 wants to ride dirt bikes with every fiber of his being. He has an electric balance bike and is doing very well, but can’t yet do all he wants. He also loves going anywhere, the family cats, and anything ORD is doing.